BIG WELCOME!!!!!!!!!
Glad to have you with us!!! Don't be a stranger.
i was looking at another thread i had started, and i noticed this person was very new.
she posted and it was only her 2nd post.
so, everyone welcome krystalline!!
BIG WELCOME!!!!!!!!!
Glad to have you with us!!! Don't be a stranger.
when my mil invites my husband to the memorial he plans on saying, "well i've already been to the memorial before.
if you've been there once, there's no need to go again since the talk is the same mumbo-jumbo year after year and i'm not anointed anyway.".
what do you plan on saying or have you said?
You guys CRACK ME UP!!!
If I did go (which you couldn't pay me to) I'd sit on an end chair. That way I can leave right after I hock a loogie in the wine!
Fire Dragon
how many times have we heard from the platform about jehovah and looking after pioneers etc especially if they were short of money or something material.. in our cong it wasnt jehovah it was other brothers and sisters doing the providing.
usually those who were actually in a full time secular job.
the ones who took all the stick about not putting kingdom interests first but instead tried to pay their own way in the world without deliberately working short hours and claiming benefits.. this sort of thing really used to make me sick.. we even had one pio sister that used to make her bible studides fell sorry for her.
I second your comments! "You win some, you lose some." If Jehovah really provided then my mom would have been able to raise me on more than $300 a month!!
disfellowshippingpracticing a bible standard.
disfellowshipping is a procedure which is laid down in the bible .
a young girl who was disfellowshipped and later reinstated said: "i am happy that jehovah loves his people enough to see that his organization is kept clean.
AMEN, Garybuss!!!
i was doing a little painting at the back of my house and i heard car doors slam.
i peeked around the corner and there the elders were again.. ken p.
I have decided that the next JW at my door will definitely get the hint. I'll take the mags and then ask for more. While they stand at the door I'll toss most of them behind me so that they can't get them back and then I'll rip one in half. "I can really use these in my fireplace!"
Fire Dragon
i know that this question has been asked before, but there are newer members on the forum, and as a nice diversion, i thought i'd post this question:
since many of us are now no longer jehovah's witnesses, how many of you returned to post-secondary education?
in some cases, i know some quit high school, so if you have returned there, it'd be interesting to hear your stories.
Are you in any form of schooling right now?
What did some of you take in your schooling?
Human sexuality, English, Algebra, Psychology
Did you major in anything?
Did you attain a certificate/degree/doctorate etc.?
Do you feel fulfilled with your decision?
No! I should have finished.
Do you plan to go back to school/college/university to upgrade?I am registering for this fall semester.
It's cool dude. No hard feelings.
anyone remember this?
at a lecture the other day they were playing an old news video of lt.col.
oliver north testifying at the iran-contra hearings during the reagan administration.
I've been trying to post this in the original post but I keep getting an error. So, I'll put it here.
(Hind-sight is 20/20.....I apologize to everyone on the forum for this post. I apologize for forgetting to put quotes around it as it isn't a firsthand account but just a copy/paste of an email. I apologize for not double checking my source. I apologize for not checking urban legends before posting. I apologize for the "idiot" patriotic comment. I apologize for being a "liar." And if it wasn't for the fact that anyone new reading this wouldn't know what I was talking about, I'd delete the whole d**n thing.)
anyone remember this?
at a lecture the other day they were playing an old news video of lt.col.
oliver north testifying at the iran-contra hearings during the reagan administration.
Good for you, Mulan!! I'm glad someone has had a firsthand experience.
Fire Dragon
anyone remember this?
at a lecture the other day they were playing an old news video of lt.col.
oliver north testifying at the iran-contra hearings during the reagan administration.
Pistoff, I apologized. What more do you want?